Further inspection of the advert reveals a lot of symbolism and meaning however, and there is infact a rather powerful image infront of us. The first thing to note is the Americana running throughout the image. The central figure, representing Uncle Sam, is wearing the American colours. He also bears resemblance to American President Abraham Lincoln, a great figurehead of the USA. The continuous Americana running throughout the image depicts power and strength, glorifying the objects in the image because they are American.
The depiction of American greatness is emphasised even further by the mocking of other parts of the world. As the image was produced one hundred years after US Independence in 1776, the female figure representing England is placed at the back behind the Americans, as well as being inferior as a female. Sat next to her is a crudely drawn globe, where Africa is represented as a cartoon face to mock the continent. The list mocks the stereotypical cuisine of various countries at the time.
On the other side of the table, Americans enjoy the food cooked by the Uncle Sam Range. There is further racism demonstrated here as a black slave cooks the food. The advert is likely to be aimed at the middle classes, particularly the lower-middle classes who cannot afford a wealthy lifestyle. This is evident in that the people in the image are enjoying a more-than-comfortable lifestyle, due to the fact they have the Uncle Sam Range. The Uncle Sam Range is a mechanism for the middle classes to be able to live the American Dream of the time.

The poster aims to recruit more people into the armed forces. It does this by glorifying war. The poster is set in the future as the father has children and is proud of his wartime achievements. It therefore makes the assumption that firstly, soliders will survive the war, and secondly that their children will look up to them. Therefore, if the father did not fight in the war, he would dissapoint his future children by not having a great story to tell. The theory of the poster is to recruit by guilt tripping essentially. It is clear that the children are shown to be looking up to the father figure as the boy is playing with toy soliders, although these are Royal beefeaters and not real soliders, and the girl is reading what we assume as a history book about the war.
It idealises the future, saying that if you fight, the country can be like this and we can lead comfortable lives. It makes it clear that the UK will win the war if you fight for your King & Country. It is also a very personal poster, in that the father is looking directly at the viewer. The 'you' is also underlined and in uppercase to emphasise that.
It seems this poster would have been aimed at the middle classes also. The lower class were likely to have already subscribed to the army at the beginning of the war in 1914, and the very rich would have fled the country or found more senior positions at home. The middle classes are likely to have tried to avoid fighting in the war, but as numbers on the battlefields diminished in 1914 and 1915, more soliders were needed to keep the strength of Allied Forces up. The attention therefore turned to the only people left; the middle classes.
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